Advanced Tax Planning
“Anyone may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible. He is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes”. - Federal Judge Learned Hand, case Helvering vs. Gergory.
Are you paying too much in taxes? Do you feel like your current accountant or CPA isn’t digging deep enough into the tax code to find creative ways to reduce your tax bill? If so, you’re not alone!
The reality is most small businesses owners pay more tax than they have too. Sure, most accountants use a handful of tax deductions. Some here. Some there. What we do is strategize. We evaluate things at a high-level and develop a game plan that often results in significant tax savings and more tax efficient business structure.
At Rx Advisors, our tax experts will build a comprehensive tax plan tailored to your unique situation to ensure your various business entities are properly structured, your maximizing tax credits & deductions, and keeping as many of those hard earned dollars as possible.
Below are three indications you may be overpaying:
Your accountant never asks in depth details about your business: One way you can tell if you are paying too much in taxes is determining how well your accountant knows you and your business. There are many strategies for reducing your tax bill, but they require someone to know the ins and outs of your business in order for the strategies to be developed. They should know how your business is paid, what specific functions and services are involved, how involved you are in each facet of the business, etc. Chances are if your accountant doesn’t know every detail about your business, they are not looking at tax reduction strategies that can keep more money in your pocket!
Your accountant doesn’t know your long-term goals for your business: If you’re accountant doesn’t know your long-term goals for your business then they could be missing out on proactive strategies to save you money in the long run. Proactive planning is key to ensuring you don’t pay too much if you go to sell your business or make a purchase of assets without proper guidance.
Your accountant never asks where you spend your money personally: The interesting thing about the tax code is the same expense, if structured differently, can be deductible in one instance and not deductible in another. Your accountant should know where you are spending your personal money so they can help develop strategic plans to help those expenses take a chunk out of your tax bill

Our Advanced Tax Planning service consists of a comprehensive analysis of your businesses from top to bottom and includes a written plan to be used as a "road map" for implementation.
Here is what's included:
A high-level review of each business entity and it's structure as it pertains to income taxes
Evaluation of current tax exposure and recommendations
Evaluation of applicable tax deductions & credits
Estate tax considerations
State and local tax considerations
A written tax plan to be used as a "road map" for plan implementation
Advanced Tax Planning is ideal for:
Small to medium sized businesses
Start-up businesses
Healthcare professionals
Independent pharmacy owners
Other professionals
High net-worth business owners
Rx Advisors is a leading provider of tax, accounting & advisory services for independent pharmacy's. Today, we service clients nationwide from our office locations in Owasso, OK and Leawood, KS. Using cutting-edge technology, we offer a robust and competitive portfolio of services. The key ingredient to our success is our team of professionals who possess a broad scope of experience and the financial acumen required to fulfill our mission of creating value for our clients. Click here to view the brochure.
To get started, call us at 855-877-9807 or fill out the "Let's Talk" form below.